Showing posts with label gastronomie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gastronomie. Show all posts

Monday 1 February 2016

Scene d'un cafe Scene of a coffee house

Scene from a coffee house, is today's theme for the City Daily Photographers. See this guy, sitting there on cold but sunny day... He will so enjoy his coffee... Watch closer... See how the coffee and the milk are smoking, exhaling their aroma... A true connoisseur. A gentleman. He even has a halo...

Scene d'un cafe, tel est le theme de ce premier du mois pour la communaute des City Daily photographes. Admirer cet homme, attable par unr froide mais ensoleillee journee d'hiver. Il va apprecier son cafe. Voyez comme le cafe et le lait fument, exhalant leurs aromes... Un connaisseur, Un homme du monde. Il a meme un halo...

Plus d'entrees sur ce theme, more posts about this theme here/ici.

Friday 29 January 2016

Hungry? Une petite faim?

A very illuminated restaurant near the cathedral, very popular with tourist but not that much with the locals. We eat very well here in Alsace, btw!!!

Restaurant joliment illumine a la cathedrale. Bonne nourriture alsacienne! Tres prise par les touristes, beaucoup moins par les gens du coin. Les torchons et les serviettes...