Saturday, 30 September 2023

Friday, 29 September 2023

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Post 2500

 Or 4436, with my old CDP blogs, Barcelona and Amsterdam. I'll be celebrating with a pot of coffee.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Guess where?

I give you a clue: this is not Strasbourg, even though we have a few rivers and canals, a lot of boats...

Monday, 25 September 2023

Sunday, 24 September 2023

A quick foray

... into Baden-Baden, Germany. Watching this weird looking fountain while enjoying a coffee.

Saturday, 23 September 2023

A weekend reflection

One of several floating restaurants or bars in town. More weekend reflections

Friday, 22 September 2023

A minimalist weekend in black and white

Sorting out Christmas decoration. I know, it's far too early! And yes, this really is a xmas decoration, ever so slightly altered, lol.

More b&w here.

Monday, 18 September 2023

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Opéra National du Rhin

On top of the building, the muses, Euterpe, Clio, Thalia, Melpomene, Erato and Terpsichore. The opera was built in 1804, destroyed (war) in 1870 and rebuilt 3 years later. A glorious building. To be called a "national" opera is a consecration in France. Gonna watch Lakme, by Léo Delibes, can't wait!


Friday, 15 September 2023

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

I want to ride my bicycle

Strasbourg, bicycle capital of France. Almost as many bikes stolen then in Amsterdam, many to be found later in rivers and canals....

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Monday, 11 September 2023

High up

Right here in the city center... Never seen it before. Oh well, I love pizza as much as the ninja turtles!

More Monday murals

Sunday, 10 September 2023

UN peacekeepers?

Well, who knows... They're all wearing blue helmets. UNBF, United Nations  Bicycle Force??? Keeping the opera safe!

Saturday, 9 September 2023

A weekend reflection

It is still very hot, over 30 degrees C, but autumn is closing in. More weekend reflections right... here.

Friday, 8 September 2023


Not sure what the boots are for... Yesterday's and today's posts are about an exhibit at this year's Foire Européenne de Strasbourg, our yearly European fair. Author unknown.
 The same in b&w, for the weekend in black and white (oops, once again I forgot what day it is... The perks of being retired, lol)

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Call me

 How many kids will know what this is and how to operate it?

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Taste it before you buy it

Sausage galore. I've read somewhere that we have 2849 different sausages in France. 1520 in Germany. France: 1, Germany: 0! LOL. As I am half French, half German, that's a lot of sausages for me!!!

Monday, 4 September 2023

Sunday, 3 September 2023

The light at the end of the tunnel...

The massive entrance to the old citadel, part of the fortifications fighting off nasty Germans. Or French. Attila and his Huns came much earlier.  Now a beautiful park. Old photo, but I'll be there next Saturday, together with about 200 ONGs and charities. And food trucks!

Saturday, 2 September 2023

A weekend reflection

A detail the regional admin building. More weekend reflections to be seen here.

Friday, 1 September 2023


September. Wishing you all a good weekend.

For more b&w, just click... here.

The September City Daily Photo's theme day, bottle, is