Friday, 22 July 2022

Finding the right spot

Always a tough decision, finding the right spot on the beach... Not too far from the water, but close to the beach bar, no bugs, not too crowded... It's a science! As for me, I LOVE desert beaches, where the next neighbor is a vague silhouette at the horizon.

Anyway, click here for more black and white.


  1. So you don't much like people en masse? :)
    Love the photo!

  2. And, the view of some of the other swimmers is not bad either, very easy on the eyes.

  3. Good one! You'll need to come to New Zealand for that!

  4. Black and white lends a timeless tone.

  5. Alors rien de mieux que les vastes plages landaises pour trouver un peu de distance avec les autres estivants...La photo est très belle.

  6. I´m not a beach person but views like this works for me. 😎

  7. This is just fantastic! Love the summer vibe

  8. Decisions, decisions! When I visit the beach here in New Zealand, they are almost always empty as I live quite rural.
    A wonderful capture of beach life.


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