Sunday 13 March 2016

11, the crazy number - 11, chiffre fou

In the Middle Ages, for some reason, 11 was considered the crazy number. In Germany, carnival starts always on the 11th of November, at 11.11 AM.
Here, it is today, starting at 2.11 PM (we are not as crazy as the Germans, maybe...). Hoping to see more gorgeous babes, like this bunch, spotted last year

Au Moyen-Age, le chiffre  11 etait considere comme le chiffre qui rendait fou... C'est pourquoi en Allemagne, le carnaval commence le 11 novembre, a 11h11.
Etant moins fous que nos voisins (???), ici ca commence cette apres-midi, a 14h11. J'espere y voir plus de pinups comme celles-ci!


  1. Vibrant colours and the masks are interesting

  2. Very colourful costumes. I can see the masks being a bit intimidating to little children.

  3. Love it that there are countries celebrating their centuries old carnivals :)


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