Wednesday 7 September 2016

The medical bill, aka the oldest wine in the world

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the oldest barreled wine in the world, in the basement of the old hospital, in the city center. It was given to the hospital in payment of a medical bill in 1472, 544 years ago. Not much cash around those days.
And how does it taste???
It is a yellow wine, 9.4 ° alcool, It taste of Madeira and herbs.
It was drunk only 3 times, in 1576 (by some people of Zurich, as a thank for them bringing warm...porridge), 1718 (foundation of the "new" hospital) and 1944 (by french  General Leclerc, who delivered Strasbourg from the Germans. Not alone though; he had some guys helping him). Who will be next, and when??? Will it be you? If it's you, bring me some, pleeeeaaaaase!

The lighter barrel next to it is a young wine from 1525. No worries, you can buy some more ordinary, very affordable wines. These are 20.000 liter casks.

Monday 5 September 2016

Je suis stressé

I am stressed, says the guy having a coffee in bed.
Fitting on a monday.
Tag on an abandoned railway yard.

Sunday 4 September 2016

A weekend reflection

My participation to the Weekend Reflections theme. The same, in black and white:

Saturday 3 September 2016

The main library in town

Médiathèque André Malraux, the biggest public library in town (27 more). Books in several languages, magazines, CDs, DVDs, computers.
That's how it was 116 years ago, a warehouse for ships going up and down the river Rhine:
I confess, I am not a library user. Although a compulsive and avid reader, I prefer OWNING books? rather than having to give them back.

More infos about André Malraux here.

Friday 2 September 2016

Minding my business

Here I was, minding my own business, when suddenly... Suddenly the annoying Mr Valls appeared out of thin air, the French prime minister, with his hoard of minder, soldiers, cops, overdressed belles, journalists, tv, and so on. He came to the place where I standing, admiring some cows. Please go away, the big guys with the thinggies in the ear told me.
Right, so I left the cows to Valls.
Anyway, he his about Bill Clinton's height (saw Bill at Easons, a bookshop in Dublin, some years ago).
No, he wasn't here for me! It was the opening day of the yearly European Fair.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Theme day: library

Here we go again: it's CDP's monthly theme, this month about libraries.
Well, here is one of mine, the open air free library in the Orangerie park. Take a book or two or five, bring them back (or not), donate your own books... Just feel free!
More library photos here!

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Vertical challenge, with a crack

Does this put things in the right perspective? Does it make you feel small? Do you want to crack a joke? Well, go for it! :-)