Monday 18 January 2016

Enfin! Finally!

First (little) snowfall of this winter! And suddenly, the town becomes the stuff of (icy) dreams...

Premiere petite chute de neige. Et soudain, la ville prend un aspect feerique...

Sunday 17 January 2016

Orangerie monochrome

It is winter here in Alsace, so nobody uses the rowing boats in the Orangerie park.

Personne n'utilise les barques du parc de l'Orangerie.

To see more monochrome photos/pour voir d'autres photos en noir et blanc... ici/here!

Saturday 16 January 2016

Weekend reflection

La terrasse Vauban, partie des vieilles fortifications. Un peu de magie pour le weekend.

A part of the old 17th century fortifications. Much nicer in peaceful times

More/plus de Weekend Reflections ici/here!

Friday 15 January 2016

Lost... Perdu...

Lost and found office, Lost blonde girl, 6 ft, blue eyes... Will come back.

Bonne chance!

Thursday 14 January 2016

The red house - la maison rouge

A rich burger's house near the cathedral

Maison bourgeoise cossue, pres de la cathedrale

Wednesday 13 January 2016


I saw quite a few elephants in my lifetime, last on a highway in New Delhi, but this is a first for me! He is HIP!

J'ai vu bien des elephants dans ma vie, le dernier sur une autoroute a New Delhi, mais celui-ci sort du lot!

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Monday 11 January 2016

Serena, Barney, Helmut, Rose, Princesse & Gordon, la menagerie

Sometimes, it's hard for me to differentiate between a graffiti and a painting. Let us call this... art. The artist in this case is called Delphine Harrer.

Difficile de differencier graffiti and toile. Ceci est en pleine vue et rue, appelons ca de l'art, tout simplement. L'artiste s'appelle Delphine Harrer, cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Saturday 9 January 2016

Monochrome cathedral

Le grand orgue de la cathedrale. Votre weekend en noir et blanc commence ici!

The cathedral's main organ, in all it's splendor. Your black and white weekend starts right here and now!

Friday 8 January 2016


1872. It is when they started fabricating the very french casquette, caps. That's how the shop looked at the end of the 19th century:
And this a casquette, a very french one:
Nowadays, they are selling all kinds of headgear as well!

La fabrique de casquettes dans la Grand Rue. Ils en font et en vendent depuis 1872, voir photo du millieu. Mais aussi d'autres chapeaux, berets, etc.

Thursday 7 January 2016


A winstub. Win: wine. A stub is a room, a chamber. You can grab a bite as well.
This particular is called Holy Sepulchre.

Winstub, le debit a vin. On peut souvent y manger aussi. Cet endroit s'appelle le Saint Sepulchre.

Wednesday 6 January 2016


This is a bierstub, literally: beer chamber. It is where you can have your...not coffee, but beer, la biere. I am more of a wine drinker (actually, most of my wine goes into whatever I am cooking) than a beer drinker, but the locals say it is quite good. There are even 2 beer academies in town!

Une bierstub, c'est la ou on boit de la...biere. Les connaisseurs disent qu'elle est bonne. N'y connaissant rien, je m'incline devant leur sagesse...avec moderation, bien sur!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Soleil hivernal - Winter sun

Sunny but cold in the Grande Ile.

Journee belle mais froide dans la Grande Ile.

Monday 4 January 2016

Red - rouge

Not sure what this is about...

Pas sur ce dont il s'agit...

Sunday 3 January 2016

Hiver doré - Golden winter

Now and then, rarely enough, there is a moment in time when the light is just... perfect. Then, I take out my (rather good) camera, and try to capture the moment. But, a camera is by far not as good as the human eye... Up to me to try to recreate what I actually saw.
No, that's not it... Trying to recreate a feeling, rather than a view. With this photo, I got it close enough.

De temps en temps, la lumiere est... parfaite. Mais mon appareil photo n'est pas aussi bon que mes yeux... Je tente donc de recreer ce que j'ai vu.
Correction... Tentant de recreer une impression, plutot qu'une vue. Parfois ca marche bien, comme ici.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Christkindlsmarik, the end/la fin/das Ende

Une derniere photo du marche de Noel, pour cette annee du moins.

A last photo of the christmas market. For this winter anyway.

Ein letztes Bild vom diesjaehrigen Christkindlsmarkt.

Friday 1 January 2016

2016!!! First theme day of the year!

Today, 1st day of the month, theme day! Please below my favorite photo of the year. Well, one of them anyway... My BFF (Best Furry Friend), Teddy, living in Harrow, north London.

Click here to see how my fellow friends from the City Daily Photo group were inspired.

Thursday 31 December 2015

L'intrus - The intruder

Un intrus!!! Vite, chassons ce rat musque!  Scene ordinaire du centre ville: 2 rats musques, au milieu de la gent ailee.

An intruder! Let's chase that muskrat away! And the second one too It is our city centre!

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Une/a reflection

At the/a la Mediatheque Andre Malraux

See more weekend reflections here, and more monochrome shots here.