Showing posts with label sculpture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sculpture. Show all posts

Thursday 25 February 2016

The pillar of angels - Le Pilier des Anges

And this is what yesterday's little jealous guy was looking at...
Et voice ce que notre jaloux d'hier regardait...

Plus d'infos ici, en francais.

The Pillar is a representation of the Last Judgement, and is situated in the south transept, just next to the astronomical clock, to which I will come back... one day.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

The man on the railing - L'homme de la balustrade

Another curious figure is this man leaning on a railing. Legend says that he is an architect, jealously watching what his competitor had built.

La legende raconte qu'il s'agit d'un architecte regardant ce que son concurrent avait construit.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Le chien de la cathedrale The cathedral's dog

Yes, there is an old dog living in the cathedral. It is Jean Geiler's dog, a renowned 15th century theologian, Geiler used to preach from the magnificent pulpit (by Hans Hammer, 1486 AD).
And where can you see the doggie? Well, on the pulpit, of course! Try to find him, he is tiny... Just above the end of the watermark... There he is!
Le chien du predicateur Jean Geiler de Kaysersberg, sculpte par Hans Hammer, en 1486. Comme tout bon chien de predicateur qui se respecte, vous le trouverez bien sur... sur la chaire! Juste au-dessus de la derniere lettre de mon nom. Attention, il est minuscule!

Sunday 21 February 2016

Is it a horse or a bird??? Cheval ou oiseau???

Well, it is a horse with bird's head!
Created by the Italian Mimmo Paladino, his head is covered with real gold. The city of Strasbourg bought it 20 years ago for 250 millions italian lire, quite a lot. 4 meters tall, it stands on the roof of the Museum of Modern Art, and is called 'Hortus Conclusus', which means 'enclosed garden'. Don't ask me why.
No, really don't.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Weird Etrange

I spotted this weird bi-headed statue the other day, in the Orangerie park, Wasn't able to find any info about it.

Cette statue bicephale se trouve a l'entree du parc de l'Orangerie. Quelqu'un aurait-il des infos a son sujet???