Showing posts with label musee d'art moderne et contemporain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label musee d'art moderne et contemporain. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Monday, 24 May 2021

A Monday Mural

Another part of the very long mural at the museum of modern art. Pink devil and three-eyed birdie...

More Monday Murals

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

One becomes many

Can't say I understand the meaning of this huge mural at the museum of modern art, but hey: it's good enough for a post! One becomes many, where timbers glow, whatever this means.

Monday, 17 May 2021

A Monday mural

A newly discovered mural at our local museum of modern art. Many more murals to be found right...HERE!

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Cloudy day

It was on cloudy day, near the museum of modern art, the glass building on the side.

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Hortus conclusus, the enclosed garden

Mimmo Paladino is the author of this... strange beast at the museum of contemporary art in Strasbourg.

"Without ears, mane or tail, this primitive equine evokes the Trojan horse and the cunning of the Greeks to enter the city. But made of precious materials, hieratic and hoisted on a terrace, this horse is not a wooden horse or a decoy. Recurring in the artist's work, it evokes more the passage from the world of the dead to that of the living, like a psychopump god, who in mythology leads and guides the souls of the dead. Other works by the artist bear the same title and refer to this same symbolism which escapes that of the medieval representation of the Hortus conclusus, that is to say of the Virgin and Child in the garden of Paradise."

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Museum of modern and contemporary art

Took this photo last summer, and... I forgot the title of this piece. And I couldn't find it on the net either. But, oh boy, I love it!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The perpetual daydream of the three madmen from the mountain

A painting by German painter Daniel Richter, to be seen at the Museum of modern art. More about him here.
As for the original title... It is: der ewige Tagtraum der drei Irren vom Berg

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Saturday, 4 June 2016


Do you remember Nipper? No? Maybe now...

Well, my photo shows a newer version... I am sure the gramophone worked better, musically speaking!