Friday, 7 February 2025

El Gat

Fernando Botero's cat, el gat in Catalan, a famous landmark of Barcelona since 1987. Situated in the Rambla del Raval since 2003, after a few years of wandering through the town.

More b&w here.

PS: Still having problems commenting on your blogs with my Google account, I might be able to do it with  my url.


  1. Looks huge! I see that dog is ignoring it, or pretending to.

  2. Such fun! I love those shadows.

  3. Beautiful photograph! Nice how you caught the dog at the edge of the frame!

  4. Il est vraiment effrayant ce chat. Botero c'était quand même un drôle de lascar à grossir tout ce qu'il voyait. Il paraît que c'était le fils caché du bibendum Michelin

  5. ...Rob, you captured and used the shadows to your advantage. Job well done.

  6. I have always loved this sculpture, and your photo shows this sculpture in a good light.

  7. nice that you captured a dog as well - each minding its own business.


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