Friday 4 June 2021

The magnificent industry

L'industrie magnifique is the name of a monumental  art exhibition all around town, from June 3rd till June 13th. Will show you more as soon as I take the photos. This is called Terre de Ciel, earth of heaven, by Patrick Bastardoz, made of bricks, roof tiles and metal. It's about the tower of Babel. See below...

More b&w for you right here.



  1. Amazing work! I'd find it hard to live with, though.

  2. ha, you had me there, I didn't expect work of art from the first image.

  3. ah oui c'est une sculpture très intéressante. je vois que Strasbourg donne beaucoup à voir sur ce plan ces jours-ci. Ce détail est particulièrement saisissant. la matérialité de l'œuvre est très bien rendue par ta photo

  4. Interesting art and title.

  5. Oh my gosh that is an astounding piece Rob.. the creative mind never ceases to amaze me 💜

  6. looks like an eartquake hitting a building :) COOL!

  7. What a great capture! Reminds me of the works of a senile scientist :)


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