Tuesday 30 April 2024

A blast from the past

Meeting Janis, the four boys from Liverpool, Zagor, the Floyd, Asterix and Obelix in Belgrade, 18 months ago. I really need to go back to the Balkans, so much still to see there! And it's relatively cheap, which is good for my small pension.

Saturday 27 April 2024


Young marines from the Scuola Navale Militare Francesco Morosini, in Venice. More weekend/street reflections right...here


Friday 26 April 2024

Place du Marché Neuf

Or New Market Square, minutes away from the cathedral. The "new" market dates back to 1738 AD, until the late 19th century. Nowadays, it's a shady parking lot, with a nice fountain.

I keep wondering about the number of "Newmarkets" wordwide...

Thursday 25 April 2024

Old books and foie gras

2  specialties in Strasbourg, UNESCO book world capital 2024: ancient books and foie gras from ducks. A good book and some foie gras on a warm toast. And a nice cup of coffee, of course!

Tuesday 23 April 2024


Typical houses in the old town. Most are dating back to the 15th century, some much older, as early as the late 13th (1298 AD).

Monday 22 April 2024


Igualdad = equality. No idea what it is about... Some Samoan looking guy holding sausages and a bagpipe, with some devils... Anyway, more Monday murals right... here.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Opéra national du Rhin

Built in 1821,damaged several times (wars), more about it here. And for this season's program, en English, German or French, click here.

Tuesday 16 April 2024


The lavoir, or public wash house, where people washed their clothes before washing machines. This one is on the Aar, one of the rivers in Strasbourg. Abandoned in 1960, later renovated.

Monday 15 April 2024

Fighting religious hatred

I posted this photo 3 years ago. The LGBTQ theme decorated tramway. 3 years ago. To this day, I am still getting hateful comments, mainly from so-called "Christians" in the US (so it seems) and from Muslims. The last one today. Good enough reasons for posting it again. Fuck those religious assholes                                                                            ☝
I'm a atheist hetero btw, but it does not matter!


Saturday 13 April 2024


A statue in the old town , gifted by the city of Munich in 1929. It's the tit piper. Tit, the birds, meise in Alsatian, mésanges in French. A poem on it's base, in Alsatian:

“Hey guys, it’s a beautiful morning.

You don't want us to attract tits?

There, in the Rhine forest, or in the lark field,

There are great tits, blue tits,

crested tits in large numbers.

Anyone who has never baited tits is not a real boy! »


Friday 12 April 2024

A glimpse...

... into the European Parliament. More b&w right...here. And more weekend reflections right...there.