Monday 26 September 2016

The fish market

I am cooking right now, so this seems the perfect post... Well, no fish tonight, I'm doing a fish-less Moroccan couscous.
This was painted by Joachim Beuckelaer in 1568, and can ce seen at the Palais des Rohan. More about the painter here.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Not your everyday car

2 CV, deudeuche, 2 chevaux... You dont see them very often anymore, and that's unfortunate, very unfortunate

Friday 23 September 2016

Thursday 22 September 2016

Wednesday 21 September 2016

The palace of the princes-bishops-cardinals de Rohan

That's right, they were princes, bishops and cardinals, all together, all at the same time. And well, seems they didn't like Ikea forniture...
The bedroom, far bigger than our flat:
They were short people.
Wonder what the toilet looks like...

Tuesday 20 September 2016

From Mooloolaba to Strasbourg, via Mulhouse!

Right, some background info... Mooloolaba is here:
I had the great pleasure and privilege of meeting Jo and Peter, fellow bloggers from Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, Australia, in our not so sunny Strasbourg (well, not today anyway). They are "nomads", traveling through (mostly) french canals for a few months every year. Here is their cosy and comfy  ride:
Thank you, my friends, for the lovely time together! It is always a joy to meet fellow City Daily Photo-bloggers! 
Follow their adventures here!

PS... The boat is moored on the Quai des Belges, Belgian quai. Let's rename it 

Monday 19 September 2016

A day at the museums

This weekend was European Heritage weekend. Many places were opened for free. So, I went to three museums, and one palace. Perfect  rainy day for this! I've seen many wonderful sights! I will show you, follow the guide!

Friday 16 September 2016


A little earlier today, like many of you; I tried to get a somehow decent shot of the harvest moon. Hand held, without a tripod. Didn't work.
Anyway, after inputting the shots in my trusty Adobe Lightroom , trying to save something nevertheless.  To my immense surprise, I saw this: a blue planet.
As far as I know, we only have ONE moon...So, what is this thing??? Did I discover a new moon? Will they name it

PS: Damn! I suddenly realize... It was the blue street lights reflecting on my lense... So, no galactic glory for me. Oh well...

Thursday 15 September 2016

Wednesday 14 September 2016

True colors

The general color mood here is a drab pinkish-grey, more grey than pink. But now and then, you find some colorful places

Monday 12 September 2016


Dancers, dressed in traditional Alsatian garb. Well, from this area, as every town or village has its own variation. Dancing is mostly jumping and turning around your dance partner.
And this is the band, playing equally traditional Umpapa music.A brass band, the music is typically southern German. By far not everyone's taste.