Monday 5 June 2023

Too much sun? Need sunglasses?

Do dogs need glasses??? 2 very different mural styles on the same wall, curious.

More Monday murals right... here.

Saturday 3 June 2023

A weekend reflection

On a cold but sunny day last spring. For more weekend reflections, just click right... here.

Friday 2 June 2023


Of course, there had to be a cat museum/print studio/art gallery/gift shop in Istanbul......LOL

More b&w for your weekend right... here. Have a meowtiful weekend, ya all!

Thursday 1 June 2023

June CDP theme day: smile

Should I laugh or should smile??? I'll sleep over it. 

Many more smiles here.

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Feeling amused

I came upon this poster, advertising a big music festival, 150 km south. Feeling amused... The names of some of these bands sound pretty silly (to me, anyway): Dinos, Coach party, Dry Cleaning, Yard Act, Baby Volcano, Joe Unknown, Kids Return, Pertubator, Big Bertha, Unknown T... I know only a few of them (but none of the quoted ones), guess I'm stuck with oldies, lol. Wondering if the Shygirl is really shy... LOL

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Feeling hungry?

Yummy tooth breaking calorie bombs. I just took the photo... .

Monday 29 May 2023

A Monday mural

Seen in Istanbul, a few days ago. A bar or a nightclub, closed when I passed it in the Beyoglu area.
More Monday murals right... here

Sunday 28 May 2023

The Genoese Galata Tower

Up a steep hill, but worth the climb... There was a Genoese (from the Italian city of Genova/Genoa) colony in Constantinople (old name of Istanbul) from 1267 till 1453. Marco Polo's merchant father, Niccolo, lived here with his brother Maffeo in 1260. More about the tower here.

Friday 26 May 2023

Weekend in black and white

Some very nice and sometimes weird buildings along the Bosphorus straight, both in Europe and Asia. More b&w right... here.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Monday 22 May 2023

A Monday Mural

 Last week, I went far away, 2000 km, to look for some Monday murals (and for cats, superb architecture, good food...). Well, I went to....

More Monday murals right... here.

Sunday 21 May 2023



One of the many galleries or passages, pasaj, in Istanbul's "modern town". I don't remember this one's name, but another pasaj is named Aznavour.

PS: found it: çiçek Pasaj, flower passage

Saturday 20 May 2023

Big Island reflection

Well, that's me on the Big Island, or Buyukada in Turkish, on the Sea of Marmara, last week.

More weekend street reflections right... here.

Friday 19 May 2023

Siyah Beyaz Türk Hafta Sonu, aka Turkish weekend in black and white

So, friends, I went back to Istanbul last week, after too many years. A city full of marvels! This here is a view inside my long time favorite mosque there, the Yeni Camii, or new mosque. New being relative, as it was completed in 1665... Anyway, more b&w here, as usual.
 Oh well, for once, I'll put the color version as well! My blog, my choice, LOL.

Thursday 18 May 2023


Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the shop was closed when I passed it. Which one would choose, if any?

Wednesday 17 May 2023


Dudes and dudettes, the Love Boat is real!!! I found it!!!


Tuesday 16 May 2023

Gate to the Orient

The old Sirkeci railway station in Istanbul, where the Orient Express arrived from Paris, 3098 km in 80 hours. Now just a station on the Marmaray underground  line, with many cats. More about the station here. From there, you take a short ferry ride to the Haydarpasa station on the asian side of Istanbul, and from there, take a train to Tehran or Baghdad. Not anymore, unfortunately.


Sunday 14 May 2023

Well cared for cats!

Last night in Istanbul for me. Not taking any of them home with me!🐈😺

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Sunday 7 May 2023

Leaving on a jet plane

Last post for a while, I'll be leaving very early on Monday morning, out of Europe. My last airplane trip for a while.


Saturday 6 May 2023

Friday 5 May 2023

A rose in black and white

Wont be posting for a while from next Monday, I'll be leaving on an jetplane as the song says, without a computer. Last flying trip for a while. Meanwhile, feel free to browse more b&w by clicking

Thursday 4 May 2023

Not to his liking


Our local boy, Jean-Baptiste Kléber, a general, hero of Napoleon Bonaparte's little trip to Egypt, doesn't seem to like the twice weekly market on the square named after him... Maybe it's the dresses...

Wednesday 3 May 2023

I want to break free!

 I want a walkie, I want to chase cats. Or pigeons. Please, set me free, I implore you!

Tuesday 2 May 2023

A Tuesday mural

Good golly; he looks angry! Have a banana, gorilla dude!

Monday murals are right... here

Monday 1 May 2023

CDP May theme day: museums

I lived in London (the UK one) for a few years The very first thing I visited there was the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum, one of my favorite museums. Other favorites are the Louvre, the now closed MIBA, museum of ideas and inventions in Barcelona, the toilet museum in New Delhi... Anyway, more posts about the theme right... here

And happy Labor day!!!

Sunday 30 April 2023


On a freezing winter day... I really ought to go back there! During summer!

Saturday 29 April 2023

A christmassy weekend reflection

While going through years of old photos... More weekend reflections


Monday 24 April 2023

Glass recycling

Recycle your glass (everything really), but better don't do on a full moon: You never know who you might encounter... Anyway, whatever you do, click here to see more Monday murals!
Tomi Ungerer dit it!

Friday 21 April 2023

Wednesday 19 April 2023