Friday 26 April 2019

Post 1000

The feline equivalent to internet

1000th post for this blog, many more on my other blogs. I'm fighting a blogger's block, it's getting hard. Henceforth, I will carry on posting, but less regularly. I started blogging in Dublin, in December 2006, and I need a break.
No worries, Dragonstar's b&w crew, you'll see me every Friday! You'll see me here, but not necessarily on this Strasbourg blog of mine.


  1. ...sometimes you need to clear your mind!

  2. Blogging can be hard at times! I'm glad you'll still be around.

    I love this photo - so very CAT :D

  3. So cute!

    A break is sometimes a requirement.

  4. Qu'entends tu par "a blogger's block ? Quoiqu'ol en soit ce chat est tout à fait charmant, et je ne l'imagine pas malveillant. Quel chat le serait ? Toujours du plaisir à voir tes images

  5. Awww, my favorite photo of the week.

    Visiting from Black and White Weekend

    Frankly My Dear

  6. Great shot! Don't stay gone too long.


Being plagued by spammers, comments are for the time being subject to moderation. Again.