Friday 8 April 2016

Un petit noir bien serre, s'il vous plait

France is a country of coffee drinkers. Order your cafe au lait, express, expresso, petit noir, cafe americain, you will find a brew you like here!

Don't forget to click here, if your coffee is either black or white! Happy weekend everyone!


  1. A fine photo with great contrast.

  2. That coffee looks more like India ink than a drink. Good contrast in black and white.

  3. I am a coffee person, as you know...
    Nice image.
    Also nice to sit outside (soon) with a coffee cup, big or small.
    Happy weekend!

  4. O yes. Love the highlight on the coffee cup - clearly already the contents have been savoured.

  5. yes that's true... i like this black and white. This photo is so french. A detail is missing : the price on the bill. Coffee are so expensive in france :-)

  6. i like the concept and the shot itself. perfect shot


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